Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Book Review: The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis

The Breadwinnner, by Deborah Ellis is an inspirational story about a young girl named Parvana who helps support her family in Afghanistan when her father gets captured by the Taliban. Her mother is forbidden by the Taliban to work and her father was a teacher at a high school that was bombed. After the bombing, Parvana and her father go to the market to sell letters. When Parvana's father gets captured and taken to jail it was up to Parvana to earn money for the family. She has to disguise herself as a boy because women and girls are forbidden in the town. When Parvana's father is finally released the family's security is still up in the air because the Taliban has captured a nearby town. This book is an excellent source of multicultural literature regarding the Arabic culture. The setting and events are very real and authentic to the Middle East situations. Deborah Ellis is an informed insider of the Arabic culture. Deborah Ellis has lived with Afghan refugees in Pakistan and was able to hear many different accounts from women and their experiences from over 20 years of war. Deborah got her inspiration for The Breadwinner from a true story of a girl she met in Pakistan. quotes about Deborah and her books, "She felt it was important to put names and faces to the people that we see on television."

Source: 1996-2000.

Book Info: Ellis, Deborah. The Breadwinner, Groundwood Books, 2000.

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